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Verified Carbon logo, representing our dedication to pioneering carbon capture technologies.


At Verified Carbon, we believe in empowering businesses to forge a path toward sustainable innovation. We understand the impracticality of expecting businesses to completely stop their use of energy in today's business landscape. Instead, our mission is to give businesses a mechanism to innovate responsibly. 

We strive to provide businesses with a viable, ethical solution to acknowledge their carbon footprint and take definitive action towards offsetting it. Our approach is not about stopping innovation; it's about transforming the way businesses operate, ensuring that every step forward is also a step towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious world.


Where Sustainability Meets Innovation

At Verified Carbon, our vision is to be at the forefront of the global movement towards a net-zero future, where businesses thrive in harmony with the environment. We aim to transform the way industries perceive and manage their carbon footprint, turning the challenge of carbon reduction into opportunities for innovation and sustainable growth.

We envision a world where Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology is not just an option but a cornerstone in the strategy of every forward-thinking business committed to reducing its environmental impact. Our goal is to make carbon capture and storage an accessible, effective, and reliable solution for companies across various sectors, thereby contributing to the reversal of climate change.

University of Texas tower, the cradle of innovation for Verified Carbon, against a clear sky.
Historic University of Texas tower, where Verified Carbon's journey in sustainability began.

The Genesis of Verified Carbon

Verified Carbon was born from a shared vision between Coleman White and Dr. Meckel, who met at the University of Texas (Hook 'em). United by a deep-seated passion for sustainability and a transformative approach to combating climate change, they envisioned a future where environmental preservation and technological innovation go hand in hand. Their meeting marked the beginning of a journey towards creating impactful, scalable solutions for carbon reduction, leading to the establishment of Verified Carbon. This is a story of two visionaries turning their profound concern for the planet into a groundbreaking venture.

©2024 by Verified Carbon

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